Dear Ross Valley Player Patrons – 

Due to the evolving public health situation we are currently monitoring guidance to safeguard the health and well-being of our audiences and artists.

To this end, this message has been posted in the theater which includes good health practices (below) and made tissues available throughout the Barn. 

RVP is disinfecting the Barn after each performance including all surface areas likely touched by audiences such as seat arms, counter tops, door handles. 

We encourage you to continue to take standard precautions—including frequent hand washing with soap and water—to avoid the spread of any flu-like illness, and to stay at home if you feel sick. .

Currently, performances for March 12-15 have been cancelled. We are closely monitoring the situation and following the recommendations of the city and county as it develops. We will keep you apprised and will update you with any changes.

Thank you,

 Ross Valley Players


RVP recommends the following good health practices while at the Barn:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water for about twenty seconds when needed.
  2. Avoid touching your face particularly your eyes, nose and mouth.
  3. If you have a momentary cough or a sneeze please cover yourself or use the tissues provided.
  4. If you feel ill or have symptoms please go home so others will not be impacted. Contact your health cater provider as needed.
  5. If you are ill and must leave please tell the House Manager so RVP can follow good health procedures accordingly.