Seat Campaign: Our Goal

We plan to raise $100,000 toward replacing seats and improving the risers. Please give generously to this improvement project! Increased leg room, more spacious, comfortable seats, and better sight lines will make your experience more enjoyable every time you come to see a show at Ross Valley Players.

We are working with the Wenger Company, a leader in the theatre seat industry. Our plan is to install seven rows of new risers, replacing our current risers. We hope to install 99 permanent Sydney Series chairs and supplement that with 23 portable Sydney series chairs to accommodate larger audiences. We also plan to install aisle lighting to increase safety for our patrons. The total cost, including construction and installation, is $100,000.

In order to secure the current pricing, we have until December 1, 2017 to raise the necessary funds in our seat campaign. We’ve listened to our patrons, and we know that improving our seating and sight lines is of utmost importance. Help us to meet our fundraising goal so we can replace the seats and risers and improve the theatre-going experience for you, our patrons.

We have currently raised $65,000 toward this goal, and we need your help to raise the remaining $35,000. We are a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, and your donation is fully tax-deductible within the confines of the law.