Private Lives Ross Valley Players

Private Lives

Written by Noel Coward
Directed by Ken Rowland
Produced by Robert Wilson

May 19 – June 18, 2017

A sophisticated and entertaining play, Private Lives tells the story of Elyot and Amanda, a couple once married and now honeymooning with new spouses at the same hotel. They meet by chance, reignite the old flame, and impulsively elope. Just days after being reunited, their mercurial romance alternates between passionate love and fiery anger. Sparks fly, and hilarity ensues.

One of Coward’s most popular, the play has been a hit since its debut. Here is Coward’s own description of the critical reception: “‘…tenuous, thin, brittle, gossamer, iridescent, and delightfully daring.’ All of which connoted to the public mind cocktails, repartee and irreverent allusions to copulation, thereby causing a gratifying number of respectable people to queue up at the box office.” We’ll leave it at that! Directed by Ken Rowland.

“Gorgeous, dazzling, fantastically funny.”- The New York Times

“A gleaming and gleeful comedy.” – The New York Post


Cast and Crew

Sibyl – Laura Morgan
Elyot – Gregory Crane
Victor – Simon Patton
Amanda – LeAnne Rumbel
Louise – Susan Stein

Director – Ken Rowland
Producer – Robert Wilson
Stage Manager – Maureen Scheuenstuhl
Lighting Design – Frank Sarubbi
Set Design – Ken Rowland
Costume Design – Janice Korprowski
Sound Design – Stephen Dietz
Property Design – Maureen Scheuenstuhl
Set Construction – Eugene DeChristopher
Asst. Stage Manager – TBD
Booth Operator – TBD
Volunteer Coordinator – Eleanor Prugh
Graphic Design & Marketing – Jayme Catalano
Publicity – Karin Conn PR
Photography – Robin Jackson

Actor Bios