Submit Your Script

Reservations, 2023. Photo by Robin Jackson

At New Works at Ross Valley Players our goals are to showcase the works of Bay Area Playwrights, foster local talent, and provide the community with an opportunity to enjoy new works by emerging playwrights.  Special consideration is given to those who are members of underrepresented groups including people of color, members of the LGBTQ+ community, women, and people with disabilities.

The New Works are presented over three weekends, with one fully produced program (12 performances) and two different one-night readings.  Programs may be full length scripts or a combination of one acts and shorts, depending upon the material received.

Deadline for Submission

Scripts to be considered for our 2026 festival must be received by November 15, 2024.

Submit Your Script

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Guidelines for Submitting Scripts
(Due November 15, 2024)

  • We accept works from Bay Area residents only.
  • For a full production, playwrights are expected to attend the program and participate in the event that a talk-back session with the audience is scheduled.
  • Your play may be selected for a reading , a staged reading, or a full production as part of the Ross Valley Players Season.
  • Plays are publicized in print and online.
  • Plays must be in standard format (see note below)

Plays accepted have been one act or full length, and of all genres except children’s plays.

Plays should not have received a previous full production in the Bay Area. If your play is selected for a production with New Works, and you subsequently discover it is being produced elsewhere prior to your New Works production, it is your responsibility to notify New Works immediately. Plays which have been previously work-shopped and are ready for full production are not only accepted but are preferred.


Submit your script using the following format. Submission is by electronic means only, as an attachment in a Word, PDF or RTF file.

  • Times New Roman font size 12
  • Use clearly delineated page numbers, scene citations and act citations (headers and footers are optional.
  • Title page
    • Text is centered on the page and includes the title, genre and author
    • Contact information is on the lower third of the page
    • Copyright © All rights reserved. date
  • Character breakdown including age, gender, name of character and a brief description.
  • Use a signifier (End Act I, lights fade etc. . .) to indicate that a scene or act has ended.


  • Dialogue begins 1.5 inches from the left side and extend to 1.0 inches from the right margin
  • Character name in ALL CAPS in the center of the page above the dialogue.
  • Stage action begins in the center of the page and scans to the right margin. A blank line is inserted before and after.
  • Stage direction reliant on the proceeding dialogue is indented to the left of the character’s name.

Adapted from the 2014 Dramatists Guild Resource Directory: The Writer’s Guide to the Theatrical
Marketplace 20th Edition. (Newburyport MA) Focus Publishing/R. Pullins Company 2014