Sylvia Ross Valley Players

September 16 – October 16, 2016

Written by A.R. Gurney
Directed by Buzz Halsing
Production Management by Emily Ludlow

A modern romantic comedy, Sylvia centers on a man, a woman, and a dog. Greg and Kate have moved to Manhattan after two decades of raising children in the suburbs. Greg’s career is winding down, while Kate’s is starting to take off. Just when they’re looking to focus on their own lives again, a charming pooch named Sylvia complicates the dynamic and shakes everything up! Greg wants to keep her, Kate doesn’t. And Sylvia has her own ideas about making this arrangement work.

Sylvia is a play about relationships, love, instinct, and loyalty. More than anything, however, the classic A.R. Gurney play is a hilarious romp through life’s complexities and vagaries.

“I can only call it one of the most involving, beautiful, funny, touching and profound plays I have ever seen…” – NY Daily News

“Gurney’s mad comedy is the most endearing good time to trot down the pike in many a moon. Howlingly funny…” – BackStage

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Cast and Crew

Greg – Keith Jefferds
Kate – Jennifer Reimer
Sylvia – Jannely Calmell
Tom/Phyllis/Leslie – Jim Fye

Directed by Grant (Buzz) Halsing
Assistant Director Heather Gordon
Set Design by Sasha Oaks
Costume Design by Michael A. Berg
Lighting Design by Ellen Brooks
Sound Design by Billie Cox
Fight Choreography by Zoe Swenson-Graham
Set Construction by Eugene DeChristopher
Stage Management by Ben Vasquez
Production by Emily Ludlow
Property Design by Maureen Scheuenstuhl
Volunteer Coordination by Eleanor Prugh
Graphic Design by Jayme Catalano
Marketing by Jayme Catalano & Gregg Le Blanc
Publicity by Hamilton Ink
Photography by Gregg Le Blanc