Our Town, 2024. Photo by Robin Jackson

Fulfill Our Wishlist

If you have any one of these items or services available, please consider donating them to Ross Valley Players for a tax-deduction:
Construction Services
Vacuum Cleaner

Gift and Planned Giving

Anyone interested in theatre is welcome to support Ross Valley Players. Supporters are the backbone of our organization, through monetary contributions and their loyal attendance at our shows! It’s easy to include Ross Valley Players in your will or living trust. We would be happy to meet with you to discuss planned giving and donation tax deduction. Call the Ross Valley Players now to get started: (415) 456-9555 ext. 3 to leave a message on our administrative line.  Our treasurer will get back to you as soon as she is able. Alternatively, click the link below to send an email and start planning your gift. We are also happy to answer questions about writing off your donation.

Contact Treasurer

Volunteer at any of our shows as an usher, concessions or box office. Get free admission to the show! You also get free admission when you sign up to work our refreshment booth at the Marin County Fair. To become a volunteer, please fill out the form below. [vfb id=1]


 Join as a Member

Click below to read more about membership at the Ross Valley Players, and the many ways your financial support will help us continue to provide award-winning, thought-provoking theatre to our community.

Join As Member